Alerta do Google - Virginia Weather

Virginia Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 24 de janeiro de 2018
The Virginia High School League is currently taking a proposal under considering that would extend the baseball and softball schedules from a ... "With weather being such a factor in baseball and softball," she wrote, "many schools struggle to complete the current 20-game limit, so increasing to 30 (is) ...
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ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7) -- Roanoke police said officers are on scene at the Starlite Motel on Melrose Avenue after a man was found dead. Officers were responding to a report of a robbery around 7:48 p.m. Tuesday night, but right now it's not clear whether or not a robbery took place. When officers ...
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Celebrate Groundhog Day at the West Virginia Wildlife Center Feb. 2
Celebrate Groundhog Day at the West Virginia Wildlife Center Feb. 2. FRENCH CREEK, W.Va. — French Creek Freddie, West Virginia's favorite weather-predicting groundhog, will leave his den on Feb. 2 to celebrate Groundhog Day and is inviting visitors to join him at the West Virginia State Wildlife ...
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