Alerta do Google - Virginia Weather

Virginia Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 3 de fevereiro de 2018
This final stretch of winter can double down on harsh ice and snow or bring an early surge of warmth and thunderstorms to Virginia. Here are some local and statewide weather history highlights for the month of February. Virginia's statewide extremes for February: Hottest high temperature: 86 degrees in ...
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STERLING, VA—The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory for Northern Virginia from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. Snow, sleet and freezing rain of up to a half inch are expected, according to the NWS outlet in Sterling. It's part of a system that the Weather Channel says will greet ...
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*SE Kentucky, SW Virginia, Foothills/Smokies: These are the areas with the best chance of seeing wintry weather... Snow to start, then freezing rain, then all rain by around 10 am. Up to 2" of snow may accumulate with a tenth of an inch of ice possible. Travel may become hazardous and these are the ...
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WASHINGTON — A winter weather advisory is in effect for Sunday and the wintry mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain could mean dangerous roads as people head out to Super Bowl parties Sunday afternoon. Winter Weather ... The wintry mix is expected from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. for parts of central Virginia.
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