Alerta do Google - Virginia Weather

Virginia Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de fevereiro de 2018
Little to no snow is likely to accumulate in the swath from Roanoke, Virginia, to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York City. All or most of the precipitation in this zone will occur as rain or a mixture of rain and wet snow. Farther west, the cold air is likely to sweep in fast enough, before ...
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But it did knock the train off the tracks late Wednesday morning when the train hit a garbage truck on the tracks, in a remote region close to Charlottesville, Virginia. First District Congressman James Comer of Kentucky looked out the window after feeling the impact. "And I could see the garbage truck still ...
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Virginia's major utilities receive the benefits of that tax cut and the state of Virginia says if the utilities are saving money so too should their customers. ... "I'm never looking forward to a bill, every time I get one I think it's going to be higher especially with the weather being so cold the thought they could be ...
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"There are many factors contributing to our current watermain/line issues, the top being weather changes and age of infrastructure. However, the City has been expeditious and responsive in reference to repairs," said City Spokesperson Folakemi Osoba. Womack says she's called the city two days in a ...
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